Lifestyle / Recipes

The Healthy-ish & Happy Holiday Gift Guide Guide 2019!

It’s that time of year again, and what’s better than giving the gift of health right?

I’ve got you covered! From secret Santa & stocking stuffers to under the tree item’s that all have the wellness of your loved ones in mind!

I personally always find it challenging buying presents during the holidays. I want to be thoughtful and at the same time buy something my friends and family will appreciate. I’m not sure about you, but everyone around me always seems to be on a post-holiday health-kick, so why not give a gift that will help them along the way. Mindfulness, cooking, and lifestyle, I’ve got you covered.

Books – I personally love getting books as gifts. Knowledge is power, and nothing beats the gift of knowledge.

It Start With Food – This book changed my life and the way I look at food. If you haven’t heard of the Whole30, it’s an amazing 30-day health reset that will not only change the way you eat but also the way you look at food. If you are looking to get you or your loved ones understanding how our bodies work and what impact the food we choose to eat impacts us, this book breaks it down and keeps it real.

The Whole30 – This book is perfect to Pair with It Starts With Food. You will get all the tips and info you need to actually do a Whole30. If you are someone who likes to start the new year off the right way, this is for you!! As I said, this program is game-changing. And if you feel you can’t do this alone, don’t worry, I got your back! Contact me and I can coach you through your Whole30 experience.

Lifestyle – little changes to lifestyle can do wonders to our health & wellness

Blue Light Blocking Glasses – We spend way to much time in front of screens, laptops, smartphones, TV, and other devices. They are everywhere, and I get it, its just part of life today. Unfortunately, these devices emit something called blue light. Our bodies need blue light to a certain degree, but the amount we get can be harmful. Blue light suppresses the production of melatonin, making it harder for us to sleep at night, it also can cause eye strain, headaches, and long-term eye damage. I personally wear blue light blocking glasses anytime I am in front of the computer for long periods or post-sunset when I am usually scrolling Instagram, and enjoying some Netflix. I love the brand Cyxus. They are affordable, come in a ton of fashionable options, and most important they do their job!

The 5 Minute Journal or The Gratitude Journal – In a fast-paced life and so many things to keep us busy and distracted, it’s easy to lose track of what’s important to us. Journaling can be a wonderful tool to help clear our thoughts and focus on what’s important to us. Both these journals take 5 minutes or less a day and are a great intro to being more mindful and in-tune with our thoughts.

Vibrant Blue Essential Oils – I swear by these oils! These oils are made in small batches and the blends are completely spot on! I found they help immediately. My favorites are Parasympathetic – I use this when I feel stressed or before eating to help get into the “rest and digest” mode. Circadian Rhythm – great before bed to help you with a good night sleep. Liver – cause our liver is always hard at work and needs all the support it can get. Adrenal – to support the adrenal glands through all the day-to-day pressures that can impact my energy levels & hormone balance. Essential oils are a gentle way to support your health.

DoTERRA Essential Oils – Another one of my go-to products. I have gifted these to a few people and they have all loved discovering the power of essential oils. Some favorites of DoTERRA are peppermint, On Guard, and citrus oils like lemon, lime, and wild orange. These oils are great quality and can be used in food, topically, and aromatically

Acupressure Mat – This is a great tool for de-stressing and for a post-workout muscle relaxer. It also does wonders if you have a stiff back or neck along with some magnesium!

Philips Sunrise Alarm Clock – This one is a game-changer for waking up on winter mornings when it’s still dark outside or in Singapore when it’s always dark outside before 7! My eldest started a new school this year which meant 6 AM wake-ups for us. For those of you who might not know, it feels like the middle of the night at 6 AM in Singapore all year. This alarm clock helps with circadian rhythm and AM cortisol production as it gently wakes you up with sunlight simulation before an alarm sound of your choice goes on.

Salt Rock Lamp – These lamps host a variety of health benefits. Improving your mood, helping you sleep, improving air quality to name a few. They also emit a beautiful pink glow that can put anyone in a zen-like mood. Perfect for winding down at the end of the day.

Fitbit – Keep your loved one motivated to get fit. Fitbit is a wonderful way to remind ourselves to keep moving. Get that heart rate up, and those steps in every day!

kitchen gadgets – my favorite department! I’ll keep these at a minimal but I’ll be doing another post on my favorite kitchen gadgets soon!

The Instant Pot – I just got mine a few weeks ago and LOVE IT! You will definitely be seeing a lot more recipes incorporating this tool soon! From making stews to curries to perfect boiled eggs to yogurt, the options are endless! And if you already have an instant pot, don’t forget the accessories!

Electric Milk Frother – great for lattes, cappuccinos, or warming up bone broth without using a pot! One of those convenience products which will have you wondering how you went this long without one!

Cast Iron Cooking Set – There is no time like the new year to get rid of old cooking pots and pans that might not be the best for your health. Many of us have been using cookware made of materials like aluminum and Teflon that are toxic at high heat levels. Starting with a few good quality pots and pans like cast iron is the way to go. These pots and pans will last for years if not generations.

I hope these suggestions gave you some inspiration either for gifts for your loved ones or yourself! Happy shopping friends!

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